Members are treasured at the Bella Vista Museum. By becoming a member, you support the preservation of Bella Vista's rich and unique history and help us to educate the public. Benefits include the quarterly newsletter and an invitation to the annual Members Meeting, which is usually held in March.

Please print and fill out the membership form shown here. You may pay for your membership by sending a check to the Bella Vista Historical Society, 1885 Bella Vista Way, Bella Vista, AR 72714, or stopping by the museum to pay via credit or debit card. Please make sure you give us your email address so that we can send you our quarterly newsletter. We will mail it to your home address if you don’t have email.
New members are welcome to sign up for membership any time during the year. Renewal will be due January 1 of the following year. If you renew during the last quarter of the year, your membership is good for the entire following calendar year, too.
The Bella Vista Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Thank you for supporting the Museum!
Annual memberships
$15 for Individuals
$25 for Families
$50 for Corporations