Historical Locations

Beavers Cemetery
Beavers Cemetery is a large historic cemetery off Edinburgh Road just east of I-49 not far south of the Missouri state line. The property was donated by Lewis Beavers to start the cemetery in 1906. Cooper Communities signed the property over by quit claim deed to the Bella Vista Historical Society in March 2024. Unmarked graves were located which meant the cemetery boundaries had to be enlarged. Work Detail Teams from Benton County Jail then fenced the entire cemetery and placed small white crosses on those unmarked graves. The property is now maintained by the Historical Society.

Summit Cemetery
Summit Cemetery is located on a three-acre parcel of land owned by the Bella Vista Historical Society just off Granshire Blvd., at the corner of Aveton and Graham Lane. The property was donated in 1896 by W. A. Cash for a cemetery and a church/school building. The building was used as a school until 1945, when it was incorporated into the Bentonville School District. It continued to be used as a church and community center after that, but eventually went into disuse and deteriorated. It was destroyed by vandals in 1989. The Bentonville School District signed the property over by quit claim deed to the Bella Vista Historical Society in 2018. Unmarked graves were located in 2020, and Joshua Mattingly, for an Eagle Scout project, headed up a team to enlarge the fence around the cemetery to encompass those graves in December 2020. The property is now maintained by the Historical Society.

Water Tank
The Linebarger Water Tank, now owned by the Bella Vista Historical Society, is located at the corner of Cunningham Drive and Cedar Crest Drive. It was built in 1927 and pipes were laid to carry water from the Big Spring on the east side of Bella Vista, under Lake Bella Vista and up the hill to the tank. It was ready to provide water, by gravity flow, down to the Sunset Hotel when the hotel opened in 1929 and to the Linebarger cottages down along what is now Highway 71. In 2015, the Linebarger heirs signed over the property to the Bella Vista Historical Society, who received a grant from the Benton County Historic Preservation Commission to re-roof the tank in 2016, using a Work Detail Team from the Benton County Jail under the supervision of Deputy Mark Wibert. The Trailblazers graveled the old road in 2019 along the north side of the tank and the property now also serves as a trailhead for that section of the biking/hiking trails.